Caring, Caution, and COVID-19

Dear Clients and Friends,

Over the last weeks, we have all come to understand that we face new circumstances brought upon by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic that may present challenges in our daily lives.  We are all experiencing changes to our plans–due to social distancing practices, self-quarantine, or unplanned school and other institutional closures—that may produce feelings of disruption or anxiety.

The potential for contracting this highly contagious viral illness is real.  It is wise to exercise caution and care, and prioritize the health and safety of ourselves and our surrounding communities. We are closely monitoring the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, looking to the recommendations of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), and professional guidelines published by the American Psychiatric Association, the American Association of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, and the American Psychology Association.

In order to navigate our new circumstances of social distancing and self-quarantine while ensuring we provide continuity of care, South Florida Integrative Medicine offers our established patients the opportunity to change their in-person appointments to tele-mental health appointments conducted via a HIPAA-compliant online video conferencing program, Zoom. In order to use Zoom, it is necessary to have access to a WIFI connection and a personal electronic device with camera and microphone such as a computer, iPad, or smart phone (i.e. iPhone, Android, etc.) using the Zoom app.

If you want to change a scheduled appointment to Zoom, we request the courtesy of 24 hours-notice so that our staff has sufficient time to make arrangements. If you have not used Zoom for an appointment with our practice before, our staff will need to run a brief practice session with you prior to your meeting.

Additionally, if you are experiencing any of the following circumstances, we ask that you please not attend your appointments with your SFIM clinical providers in person, out of care and caution for your own self-care and for that of public health safety:

•  If you are symptomatic – fever, cough, runny nose, difficulty breathing

•  If you believe you may have been exposed to coronavirus

•  If you (or perhaps family members) have recently traveled to certain countries – China, Iran, South Korea, Italy, Spain, Japan, Hong Kong

Please contact our office with any questions or to request an appointment with your mental health care provider at 786-664-7810 or We are here for you, and your mental health is our priority.

Yours in good health,

Hugh Humphery, Medical Director / Owner

Reed Haslach Humphery, Director of Business Operations / Owner

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